Neuven Consult Inclusive Hub hands with pot of money

Claire’s Fundraising Story

During my school years, I was an avid hockey player, however, due to suffering from a broken wrist, I began running, and since then I haven’t looked back.

I took up running for fitness and loved the fresh air and enjoyed exploring new places. 

A few years into running I was injured so I started to relearn to swim. After being encouraged to buy a bike I took part in my first triathlon with some friends, which I loved. I then got the bug, and since then have entered many triathlon races. 

Like most people during the pandemic, I wanted to keep up my regular exercise so I  began running and walking more often. Despite my enthusiasm for exercise, it was during Covid-19 that I suffered from an ankle injury as a result of doing possibly  ‘too much’ exercise. 

I am on the road to recovery and have since been training whilst doing simple movements and stretches to build up the strength in my ankle. 

The Blackpool Half Marathon has given me a goal and something to work towards, and I am proud to be raising money for The Inclusive Club Charity Neuven is supporting. 

Thank you for reading my story.