Client Solutions

Our cost-saving solutions have been designed to drive operational and financial efficiencies for all our clients

  • Neutral Vendor Managed Services

    Consolidate your recruitment agency relationships into one managed service to drive financial and operational efficiencies

    Venneu logo

    Venneu® underpins our neutral vendor solution by bringing together all your temporary recruitment activity and compliance information into one central platform

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  • Direct Engagement

    Automate the processes associated with directly recruiting bank staff and locums, from booking candidates through to invoicing and payment

    Venloc logo

    Venloc® is our direct staff management platform, created to offer a registration to invoice management tool giving you full control over your workforce supply

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  • Time and Attendence

    Streamline time management processes with ease and precision, from effortless QR code scanning, to personalised identification, and location tracking.

    Venta® is our fully-mobile, flexible time and attendance software for workforce management that seamlessly integrates with your own mobile devices.

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Neuven Consult

Experts in audit, compliance, bid management and training, Neuven Consult, Neuven Solutions' sister company, is the most successful neutral and independent consultancy in the UK & Ireland. Neuven Consult has spent over a decade at the forefront of compliance and public sector engagement. They empower some of the UK’s largest public and private Sector organisations with their wealth of experience, knowledge and guidance.

  • Neuven Consult's Training Services

    From bespoke framework training to ensure your organisation has the applicable controls, to document fraud and bid writing training. Neuven Consult offers a range of training modules online and in person covering all aspects of framework and workforce compliance.

    • Agency Worker Compliance
    • Framework Standards
    • Document Fraud
    • Framework Optimisation and Sales
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