Case Studies


Logistics – B2B

Neuven won a large, worldwide business to business, third party logistics company from an incumbent neutral vendor in 2014. The company operated large scale hub warehousing operations, as well as class 1 and class 2 driving operations across the UK, often utilising in excess of 1,000 temps per day.

The operations posed some significant issues to the incumbent vendor being unable to accurately capture and transact the timesheets for so many temporary workers on an automated basis. This meant that the client was facing weekly issues with worker pay and a large scale reconciliation task.

There were also a number of agencies on panel who posed a reputational risk to the client, due to their back office operations not being up to standard and work with other methods of working with other clients. Due to the nature of the hub operations, a number of suppliers became pivotal to the clients success and as such used their position to negotiate better terms and margins, creating disparity between panel suppliers and operational issues.

Neuven were able to assist the client with the roll out of large scale time and attendance systems for the clients hub operations. With weekly exports being uploaded into the Venneu® system directly from the time and attendance system. This meant that the client was no longer having to manually process and reconcile agency worker timesheets, removing a huge amount of administration and allowing the client to gain real time visibility of their agency usage. These processes are now wholly managed by Neuven.

Neuven were also able to actively manage a number of the larger agency suppliers and use the Venneu® system to standardise agency pay rates, as well as the calculations for National Insurance and Holiday Pay, to offer the client immediate frontline savings as well as a sustainable cost saving model for the future.

Where agencies exposed the client to reputational risk, Neuven worked with the client to manage the agency off panel. Suppliers were replaced either with other current panel members, or alternatively, new suppliers were introduced to the client by Neuven. This rationalisation of the supplier panel, to just under 50 supplying agencies, has created a more competitive environment for agency suppliers, who are delivering higher levels of customer service and quality to the client rather than competing on price.

Neuven were also able to offer the client significant operational assistance, over and above their year on year cost savings, building a true partnership approach to the management of temporary agency labour. Since joining Neuven, the partnership has gone from strength to strength, with the client introducing Neuven to other areas of their business. This growing success has seen the clients portfolio with Neuven increase to spend of in excess of £80 Million per year and over 17,000 individual candidates per year.

  • £80 million spend with Neuven
  • 17,000 candidates per year
  • 120+ locations
  • Under 50 supplying agencies

  • Sustainable cost saving model
  • Accuracy in timesheets
  • Integration with Time and Attendance system
  • Streamlined adminsitration
  • Removal of reputational risk
  • Accurate and reliable Management Information
  • Smooth transition to the Venneu® system